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Case Study

Solar Panel Installation

If your considering installing solar in your home, this helpful casestudy will explain some of the steps involved

30 days to finish the installation

Panels installed

44 panels

Annual production

12 449 kW/h

Annual bill saving around £1021.93 

How long to pay back upfront fee?

24 month

Monthly bill saving:


What is the carbon offset per year

Solar energy created per day:

7.8 kW/h

upfront payment

£27 021.93

Project timeline

If your considering installing solar in your home, this helpful casestudy will explain some of the steps involved.

Day 1Propsosal Request Assesment of Client Needs Site Survey
Day 10Detailed Quotation and performance estimation Agree a date and begin installation of solar panels and wiring
Day 21System wiring & testing Day 30Comissionining & energy generation commences!

Financial summary

If your considering installing solar in your home, this helpful casestudy will explain some of the steps involved.

  • Upfront payment£XXX,XXX
  • Est monthly utility bill£XXX,XXX
  • 25 year electricity bill savings£XXX,XXX
  • 25 year LCOE PV£XXX,XXX
  • Payback period£XXX,XXX
  • Est monthly loan payment£XXX,XXX
  • Est monthly loan payment£XXX,XXX
  • Rebates and incentives?£XXX,XXX
  • 25 year IRR£XXX,XXX
  • 25 year NPV£XXX,XXX

Watch our installation video

In this video you’ll see from start to finish what is involved in installing solar panels onto a property. We explain the steps we take, and you can see us in action!

Smart realtime  monitoring

Name of the case. Smart realtime monitoring

In this video you’ll see from start to finish what is involved in installing solar panels onto a property. We explain the steps we take, and you can see us in action!

Products we used in this project

450/100 MPPT RS Victron 

450/100 MPPT RS Victron 

450/100 MPPT RS Victron 

450/100 MPPT RS Victron 

450/100 MPPT RS Victron 

450/100 MPPT RS Victron 

450/100 MPPT RS Victron 

Five steps to your greener future

Your system makes a beneficial impact on the environment.  Feel good about saving money, and saving the planet!

Review and sign the proposal


Review your site & create engineering designs to your home


We get utility and permit approvals


We instal and adjust the system


Savings strats rolling in


Still not sure? We are happy to help you. Contact us today to receive a quote and further information.